WildlifeQuestseason2Season2 剧情

2018年是这部《「WildlifeQuestseason2Season2」》的诞生年份。目前已更新至正片片源,美国出品的纪录片,豆瓣为这部电影打出了5的高评级。布莱特妮·布里斯托导演执导了这部电影主要演员包括Anga Makubalo的作品。这部电影展现出视觉和情感上的震撼,让人在看完后回味无穷。
  National Geographic Presents Wildlife Quest. Follow the adventures of Brittany, Anga and Bruce as they explore the wilds (jungles) of South Africa in search of baby animals and some of the planet's most endangered species. As they embark on a safari through the magnificent Phinda reserve in KwaZulu Natal, they encounter some of the most famous animals in Africa.
