АлексЛютый 剧情

在2020年,导演执导的剧情作品《АлексЛютый》在俄罗斯上映。奥克萨妠·巴齐列维奇,尤里·伊茨科夫,德科马登斯,德米特里·穆里亚尔,谢尔盖·普斯科帕里斯,Ekaterina Reshetnikova,Gennadiy Smirnov,Dmitriy Sutyrin,Natalya Tkachenko,Andrei Zibrov等人在演员名单中,这给了这部电影更多的看点。在飘花电影上连续播放了28668次的这部电影已成为了众多观众关注的焦点之作。
  1975. (inrussian) A writer preparing a book about Hitler's executioner alex lute was killed in his cottage near Moscow. Just before his death, he had time to tell his friend - the head of the special department of the ministry of internal affairs for the search for war criminals, general Peter somov - the incredible news: lutyi, who was considered dead since 1944, is alive! Som...