Equator:ANewWorldViewSeason1 剧情

此为导演Christian Schidlowski,Hannah Leonie Prinzler,凯文·麦克马洪,Kevon McMahon,Sebastian Kentner,Juan Baquero,Angela Volkner,Stephanie Weimar,Matt Gallagher,Tyson Hepburn,Stéphane Legrand指导的「Equator:ANewWorldViewSeason1」,于2018年在加拿大首播,是一部纪录片。等人是这部电影的主演之一,他们的表现将给观众留下深刻记忆。「Equator:ANewWorldViewSeason1」在飘花电影播放次数已达39072次,清楚显示了它备受欢迎,观众持续追寻着它。
  The Equator wraps Earth in a 40,000 kilometre ribbon of sunlight, abundance and astonishing nature. It is known in science as the "cradle of nature" – because all species first arose here – and as the "museum of life" because rarely do creatures here go extinct. Now, as our warmest region gets hotter, the Equatorial paradise is changing. Equator – A new world view is a fascinat...
